‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Important information. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Important information. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Laughter is a natural reaction  proper human being on the ridiculous positions can also be a means of defense against fear spontaneous situations. And laughter is an expression of sympathy and mutual understanding between human beings, which is one of the means of human communication throughout history.
Is now used as a therapeutic laughter through hormone secretion and strengthen immunity. After several bouts of laughter increases white blood cells in the blood. Laughter helps to strengthen the muscles of the face, abdomen and blood circulation in the heart, leading to raise blood pressure and increase the proportion of oxygen in the blood and children's clinics there is a clown.
When a person laughs moving muscle in 17 and 80 face the whole muscle in the body and breathing getting faster.

Laughter and body:

Heart: Numerous studies say that laughter protects the heart, and so indirectly and explanation behind it that the pressure of mental cause an imbalance lining the garrison of the blood vessels, and soon to be affected by this lining resulting in a number of reactions from infections that lead to the accumulation of cholesterolon the wall of the coronary arteries and the final result of a heart attack. More about cholesterol .. As explains, "Steve Soltanov" felt the American Association of treatment with laughter: "When the laughs human heart secretes the hormone cortisol (a hormone that is secreted when the human being under the influence of pressure) lack of, so when the human being in the case of the pressure and deals with these pressures laughter reduces the rate of excretion of the body the hormone cortisol. "It also says "Soltanov": "that laughter increases the likelihood of human pain, strengthens the body through the secretion of antibodies that fight infection and prevent hardening of the arteries, and then humans angina or heart attack

Fitness:  say scientists that laughter is a hundred times equals in effect making in physical activity (exercise on the wheel for about 15 minutes).Laughter is running the diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial muscles, legs and back.

Strengthen muscles: In addition to the many advantages of human laughter, it strengthens the abdominal muscles. He says the world "Gard VIP Cohen" Jared B. Cohen, who conducted several laboratory experiments to laugh, that: "The laughter helps not only the heart, but it also helps the beauty of the body and appearance." There are some people that believe that laughter and a very easy and inexpensive and painless to maintain the beauty of where human help to tighten the abdominal muscles and non Atralha. He told about (14) of the patients (15) were subjected to experiments "Cohen" that laughter is already better than some exercise. And laughter to be effective, must be the person continues to smile for a period of (30) seconds until at least feel a sense of simple combustion. In spite of that laughter is way Alzivh the alternative sport, but it is always recommended the need to exercise as possible.

Increase the immune

Works laughter at the same time to increase the hormones that works to improve the overall health, Kalandrovens. It also works to increase the number of cells producing antibodies. This means strengthening the immune system, while reducing the impact on the body physically as a result of exposure to the tension. Which leads to better disease resistance.

Physical and emotional relaxation

The obvious positive effects on the body after the laughter feeling relaxed physical and emotional together, note that after the laughter muscles remain relaxed for about 45 minutes.

Internal exercises do not feel

Did you know you play sports during the laughter? requires some internal exercise that occurs automatically without that we feel.deep working on tightening the diaphragm, is also working on the contraction of the abdominal muscles. It also helps to exercise the muscles in the shoulder, then  on more than normal after the completion of laughter.

Get rid of negative emotions

Laughter Asttna the some of the negative feelings, arousal such as anger, guilt, and tension. It also makes us more able to deal with the problems.

Laughter provide the body with energy

Laughter faster deadly weapon for the pain and tension, there is no any way rebalance the body and mind faster than laughter, it strengthens and makes us hope we communicate with others easily and increases concentration. The result is the ability to innovate and problem-solving therapy.

Laughter protects the heart

To laugh a direct impact on the health of the heart, it strengthens the function of blood vessels and improves blood flow, which helps to prevent the risk of cardiac crises and vascular diseases in general.

Laughter and mental health

Including that laughter reduces stress and increases relaxation, then your mental health improves. So as to increase the area of ​​one's mind to see things more realistically and without exaggeration. And prevents decision-making under psychological pressure.

Dancing and Singing


Dancing is a consistency of movement of body parts with each other in harmony with the

rhythm and music to coincide with the movement of eyes 

Benefits of dance

- Get the best muscles.

- Giving the body flexible.

- Strengthen the heart muscle.

- Improve lung function.

- To help you lose weight easily

- Improve mood

- Helping to unload the negative energy and feeling refreshed


Singing is a sound art combines 3 key elements are music, word and sound. And singing the natural form of expression, and is found in all societies and cultures all over the world.

Mobile vibrations

A small nuclear reactor
Leaving open mobile devices in the bedrooms cause insomnia
.And excessive use leads to brain damage and the weak of heart
Warned the inventor of mobile phone chips chemist German Friedlheim Volnhorst the risk of leaving mobile devices open in the bedrooms on the human brain, said in an exclusive interview with him in Munich, that keep the machines or any other devices to send or receive a space in the bedrooms causing a state of insomnia and anxiety and the lack of sleep and brain damage resulting in long-term Tadmerghazalmnaah in the body.
He said in a press statement that there are values ​​for frequency radiation emitted from mobile, the initial 900 MHz and the second 1.8 MHz, exposing the human body to many risks, pointing out stations, mobile phone booster equivalent in strength radiation caused by a small nuclear reactor, and the frequency electromagnetic resulting from Mobile powerful than X-rays, which penetrate all organs of the body, known ray "**".
He said the world German chemist who lives alone in his apartment in Munich that Mobile can be emitted from mobile power higher than the allowable tissue head when each pulse sent, where emitted from mobile digital X-ray electromagnetic frequency of 900 MHz on the pulses and up time pulse to 546 microseconds and pulse repetition rate of 215 Hz.
He noted in this regard to many phenomena disease suffered by the majority of users of mobile such as headaches, pain and impaired memory, insomnia and anxiety during sleep and ringing in the ear at night as that exposure to high doses of these electromagnetic waves can damage  rights. Tinnitus interpreted as the result of overcapacity in the human body and reached through exposure to more electromagnetic waves.
Said Professor who invented the mobile chips while working in the German company Siemens Electronics, that mobile phone radiation hit the brain cells about 215 times per second resulting in a high rate of cancerous transformation in the body of 4% from the normal rate.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are in the world about 400 million mobile phone "Mobile" and is likely to reach this number to one billion.
He said he was forced to retire and begin to cure himself of bone cancer using natural materials such as seeds, dried mango and dried garlic pointed out that there is an adverse effect on public health in the case of limit exceeded safety in accordance with the standards adopted internationally for mobile use recommended further studies to see if they There are more adverse effects when using this phone over the long term as the shortcomings in the knowledge of these effects lead to serious consequences.
German professor said that the cancer in the adult human and the output of the risk of environmental impact can be detected only after more than ten years since the beginning of the exposure it has to be the need to implement studies and research on the long-term.
He warned the world of chemistry Germany at the end of the dialogue, which was conducted with him at the Friendship Association of Bavarian Arab in Munich, warned of the danger of mobile devices or electronics in general on children's health, and the organs of the body sensitive for adults, Kalmkh heart, and said that modern technologies are a major cause of high rates The most common diseases in developed countries.
And holds a German scientist, a professor in Industrial Chemistry spent 45 years of his life in the technical inventions, carries in his pocket arm a small aluminum invented himself can which to identify the sources of radiation in any enclosed space such as offices, rooms and      sleep as he sets out Qibla direction towards the Kaaba

A recent study confirmed that the short-wave of human exposure in the home or at work lead to the obvious damage to the wall cells, especially red blood cells and cause an imbalance in blood enzymes as a result of the damage, which affects the cells of the glands that secrete these enzymes
The study warned of premature aging infection among young people because of the mobile phone and because of electromagnetic waves from broadcasting towers and wireless phone help on the activity and spread of breast cancer.

And that the longer the exposure of these human cells for these waves has increased its effect on cells, as some of the people who are destined to them in their lives occurrence of cancerous tumors in the brain at an advanced age, according to programming their cells cerebral orders causing genes for these tumors that generate them since the first moment of Oladthm these people if you happened to have used a mobile phone for extended periods long convergent day more than 10 -15 minutes per call, the electromagnetic field created by the mobile phone while using it activates genes Kromuzat brain cells have early starts giving orders reproduction of cancerous cells.

Are advised not to stretching in the development of the mobile phone on the ear for more than 15 minutes per call and a maximum of 4-6 calls a day, and the dimensions of the device from the head to avoid electromagnetic waves, and use separate speakers.

the sun

 Amounts of gas flaring in the center of the solar system and Earth orbits with eight  other planets around the sun and only one of billions of stars in the universe
Ataatmes with something, but of great importance to humans outweigh the  importance of the other stars Without the sun's heat and light
Sunlight contains all the colors we see in a rainbow but it
Merge some of them updated in some white light
Therefore, we see a white sun
The sun in our solar system is one of twenty billion at least another star in the Milky Way at the age of about five thousand million years and the sun of the medium-sized stars as 1392000 km in diameter and mass equal to 1.99 hit 10 as 33 grams
The sun is composed of 75% Hydro ***
20% helium produced by burning hydrocarbons ***
In addition to the other components very small percentage
Lose the sun in the interactions of five million tonnes in the second year and lose in one hundred and fifty-seven billion, six hundred and eighty billion tons
Protection from the sun at all ages of paramount importance to prevent any damage either the short or long term and condoms is one of the very important parts in the system of protection from the sun and should be used in addition to other safety steps in order to achieve the best results of protection

The excessive exposure to the sun could happen severe pain and displays the body and skin burns though solar severe burn may cause significant risks to the skin such as skin cancer later in a person's life 
And intense exposure for long periods may cause
Facial wrinkle
Freckles and melasma
Leather patches
Expansion of the blood vessels
Changes in the composition of the skin makes the skin appear older

Protection from the sun

Not taking baths solar
Wearing broad hats when exposed to sunlight
Use sunglasses
Use of protective clothing

If it was necessary to exposure to the sun, it is recommended to use a protective person is protected from the sun where there are protective factors of dangers
The sun produces invisible rays and invisible rays known as invisible radiation UV

These rays cause

Skin burns
Other damage

And effective protection to avoid the strong effects of sunlight has recommended the American Society dermatologists these instructions

Use spectral markets with solar protection broker
When swimming or exposure to water should be used Sunscreen Waterproof
Must not exceed the use of condoms for more than an hour and a half if the intense heat of the sun
Must wear protective headgear for the head and preferably be broad
Find shaded areas and sit where, if possible
Advisable to wear protective clothing Court

Solar condoms

Solar condoms to absorb or p ** or dispersing radiation on the skin and are available in many forms, including a
Adhesive wax

It must be written by the numbers that determine the strength

And the higher the numbers are more protection
It must not be less than 15 in any of the markets and protectors of sun protection

The damage from the sun often happens between ten o'clock in the morning and at four 
in the afternoon when the sun is at the height of its power 

Most of the clothing protects from UV rays, but white clothing manufacturers such as cotton baggy and wet clothes that stick to the skin does not give great protection

But tight clothes give greater protection
The sun protection is also needed in the winter, when that Aa snow ** 80% of the sun's rays and cause some skin burns

And winter sports in the mountains increase the risk of damage because the solar distance closer to the sun
The sun's closest star to Earth, and that the nature of our sun gas inflamed rather than being an object hard to make her some facts curiosities, including: it rotates on its axis in a manner completely different to the way rotation of the planets, solid Amidst the sun "line ا" revolves around the axis a full cycle in 25 days while lengthened this period in areas north and south of the equator until it reaches about 37 days at the poles, which means that the sun in this case revolves like Fl read out and spin method called differential rotation. (Differential Rotation), any spin Perhaps this movement described by Ibn Abbas when he said from the sun, it rotates and spins the spindle, and this consequently leads to overlapping lines of magnetic forces on the surface in a very complex and these in turn with the passage of time affect the strong emergence of some solar phenomena such as solar costs

Sun source of warmth and brightness on the land and without sun the life on earth. Solar energy is necessary for plant and animal life, and most other energy on the ground, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and wind are only different forms of solar energy. The surprised reader if they learned that the sun, which is the backbone of life on Earth and that sanctified the ancients for this reason, is only a superstar moderate in size, mass and luster, where there are in the universe, stars larger than the sun known as Astral giant, as there are stars smaller than the sun known as Astral Dwarfs. The fact that the sun and star compromise makes it more stable, which is reflected on the stability of life on Earth. If the solar radiation exceeds a certain limit to life on earth is burned even lack of solar radiation on a certain extent also froze life on Earth.

The sun is the closest star to Earth, which is the only star that its surface landmarks can be seen by the telescope. As for the rest of the stars is difficult even now see the details of their roofs due to the deep after us. Floa used laparoscopic largest in the world see the stars Knqt the shiny and without details, but if used binoculars moderate in strength for our space on the surface of the sun is equal to Egypt Tqrbea area. For example and comparison, we find that the average after-sun from the earth equals 93 million miles away and knows the astronomical unit to measure distances in the universe and is equal to 147.6 million km.

The nearest star or sun to us after our sun is estimated beyond about 4.2 light-years away any equivalent to about 42 million million kilometers, while the distance of time that light travels to reach us from the sun is eight and a half minutes and this distance when compared to the nearest star is a short but Bhsabatna ground enormous The total if Derna around the Earth almost four thousand times.

This solar ball round contains a huge amount of gas inflamed coherent and intense heat, and sometimes there seems sun like wearing a rosy from bumps, which is a light pale pink around the sun Kaeltag, called Ahawaz solar, topped with a layer of hot gas pearl metastatic portrayed thin Space and called the solar corona.

Astronomers and can see Ahawaz the solar corona and the sun as well as the cost, which is in the form of black spots sometimes appear on the surface of the sun using machines and astronomical observatories.
Stages of the life of the sun
Formed the sun nebula or cloud of gas in the Milky Way since about five billion years and took radiate continuously since then spent about four million tons of material per second when it is attenuated (hydrogen) in her heart has turned into helium result of fusion (enough to know that turning gm One of the article to energy sufficient to eject the energy reward for the bomb placed on Hiroshima) and currently is the sun valuable stage pattern of basic life after Nvaz hydrogen from the heart of the sun Sanaqbd and the temperature rises in her heart, a result of the nuclear reactions of helium gas and Taatnfaj layers of Foreign Affairs and changes color and Pantfajha become a red giant up diameter Aflak planets nearby, and  each of the planetary Mercury, Venus and the Earth within the atmosphere and when the helium transition to _khasven (Carbon) will change color the sun from red to yellow and enter another phase of her life devoid layers of Foreign Affairs of the material as a result extended by, shrink inside constantly then crumble internal layers, and then become a white dwarf. 


Music is the universal language of expression and music is the language that we hear in everything in   life in the home of TV in Phone  rings      
It is also the art of melody and musical voices Are all toned voice you hear his ear and rest .. Whether it this Bushra sound or issued by birds or  .. Or of a musical ... Voted birds such as , and the Canary Karawan, for example .. Beautiful voice and the 
sweetness and rest his ear .. This is the voice of music

When you hear a piece of music, and you find yourself in harmony with different melodies and tones and can take you to a virtual world in less than seconds .. This is the Hidden Power of Music, as well as include this force enormous capacity to develop a sense of beauty, especially in children, when you hear the child colors of music since childhood have a payoff deep at all stages of growth has not on the level of emotional and aesthetic, but also on the level of mental and cultural Music for the child as a maestro who regulates  between thinking and feeling and education of the child in all stages of growth.
Children from 3 to 6 months, the child begins to  towards the sound source, and shows signs of pleasure and surprise about the music and with the end of the first year begins to make movements physical with the rhythm of the music, the children in the second year of life increases the manifestations of positive response for active music a clear increase, and include this appearances on clapping hands, and feet, moving the head, and move the knees forward and back, and show early signs of synergy between music and movement beginning of the month, the eighteenth, where the child can harmonize the movements rhythmic and issued by the music of the votes then, from the age of Third, increasing the child's desire to sit and listen to music attentively instead of issuing automatic movements.
Trends and preferences of the trends in children and  for music is changing rapidly through hear some musical acts different, for example, children at the age of twelve and thirteen prefer music with fast-paced, and children at the age of six or seven do not give interesting if the music was fast or slow, you play as culture surrounding the child in the formation of preferences musical, a child affected by colors music that plays in the vicinity of the environment in which they live in the home, school and folk, and remain Preferences children to music is fixed and non-specific, ongoing since childhood and at least this gradually with the progress of the child's age and completion of cognitive development, emotional and cognitive , setting trends musical of the individual in the relative stability and This usually occurs in adulthood, and worth mentioning here that displays the child from an early age to some kind of music helps him a lot in shaping trends in child preference musician later, if subjected the child to classical music, for example, since Micro form and details trends in the future direction of classical music, and so on. Music and intelligence there is the question imposes itself in this regard is whether the role of music in the development of children's intelligence, or that there is no role for music in this? In my opinion, this question of the important questions when studying the effect of music on the human psyche, they differed scientists and researchers in the answer to this question as there are studies demonstrated that it is not the role of music in the development of intelligence Kkdrh mentality In contrast, studies have shown that music play a crucial role in developing the capacity of intelligence among individuals in my own that there are types of music - and not all music - have a role in the development of intelligence in children and mention here the experience of music «Mozart» on children, which was named «the effect of Mozart» The thrust of this experiment looks like this: that there are two sets of children are equal in characteristics such as age, educational level and are equal in the number of males and females in each group, were measured IQ of the two groups - using metrics designed to measure the intelligence of children - and then came the first set to the music of «Mozart» for a certain time has not suffered the second set to this music, or any music other and then were measured IQ for the second time the two groups and the results were increasing the proportion of intelligent children first group - which came to the music of Mozart - by ten degrees for the second group, which under the percentage of her intelligence fixed and the conclusion here is that the music's role in increasing the proportion of intelligence in children. Raise awareness of music, there are six points is the essence of some of the studies that dealt with music improve cognition in children are as follows:
1 - During the first year children feel the alarm and sensory and mental alertness when listening to music sexy.
2 - During the first two years, children become in the case of significant activity when listening to music, they Ehtzon back and forth, and move, and walk, and, and dancing, or pay attention intently, and more business impact them here are the words and themes and simple tunes strong and systematic itself.
3 - Can children with special musical preparations to re-produce tunes accurately at the age of 2 or 3 years, but most of the children they start so at the age of 4-6 years.
4 - Keep children songs and then doing some changes after that, and this kind of symbolic play music seems to be closely related to linguistic play that characterizes most of the children.
It reveals that particular aspects of stimuli that are important for the central child «especially the prevailing rhythm and some of the salient spacing and reveals as well as those aspects that are lacking or little child's attendance 'Orchestration distribution and decorative ornaments, for example.
5 - at the age of 5 years or so are a few difficulties in children to recognize and singing to a large number of songs and .
They integrate somehow with stimuli musical, and are affected emotionally significantly out,  is the experience of dynamic mental cognitive Basically, for a young child, and the use of the machines should be postponed until the available capacity to take himself - deep down - with music.
6 - A note reading, and playing musical, is limited to a small number of people, which often begins with the school year, and through appropriate training.
It is this stress on the importance of music in children and with the child from the moment of his birth, through all the different ages of the child.
Finally, note that the music a very important role in the life of the individual is not only because it involved individuals in cases of entertainment and fun, but working to refine the human psyche and makes them in a psychological condition better, it also works to increase IQ in children and more importantly, develop a sense of beauty in children until come to us individual has a sense of the beauty of things around him, and this is reflected doubt on himself and his life,  of the causes of happiness in this life and without which we were in misery and brutality, is the melody of life eternal and is no stranger to this effect is significant for music on the psychological and neurological on the human body occupied the treatment music a unique position in modern medicine and distinct lies Excellence for treating your music lack of side effects to medicines and medical drugs. due date of music therapy in the history of Arabic medicine to Ibn Sina, who wrote a book he called «cure» and treatment of psychiatric patients your music by planting flowers and landscapes contemplative green «Music Nature» The Razi use to play the lute music have realized the effect of music on patients when he was playing in the whereabouts of patients who were  and asking for more.
The Farabi who played once on the zither and laugh and play again I might weep and a thirdpresent the modern era began music therapy after wars Almuten and established the first program for managing a degree in music therapy from the University of Michigan America 1944 and then rolled Centers music therapy worldwide.
And about the change scientific impact of music due specialists explanation physicist interview, which says that the sound and music Mahma only part of the article have frequencies specified in the natural state is the frequency of the particles (IAEA) around the nucleus and thus the atoms in our bodies and each atom of which wavelength given in the case of natural hesitate when When this happens haunt some human neurological or psychiatric diseases, the frequency of the particles in atoms of the body.
Vtkon frequencies musical «sound» or sound waves of music rectify the imbalance quotient of atoms and particles in the body because the sound «waves or pulses applied in the authorized rights and up through the nerves to the brain where there is a simultaneous translation of the body begins to interact with researchers say that the sound waves of music collide Body The microscopic occur  the very faint working to activate cells and tiny blood vessels in the part in which they collide.
The play centers of energy in the body and distributes the energy centers of the body a role in influencing your music and thus affect the dominant parts of each center. Have a certain oscillation of the importance of music to peace and these vibrations differ for the sick and the pressures and music therapy restores to their natural frequency.
The explanation is to contain a living cell in the human body of water that contains it nearly 70% 80% and is affected to receive acoustic vibrations that turn turn to electromagnetic waves generate clean energy explosion energies pent This as well as lower incidence of what is known as b «hunger nervous» as rhythm forgotten more and tells us  him food, thus reducing the amount of food because of mental focus with every musical instrument and every tune issued them to be mixed with all the machines and become Kalaurkstrar is something which in turn contributes to maintaining the equilibrium mechanism of the body that defines the relationship between hunger and satiety and of course This is the treatment of obesity and obesity by identifying the type of music and extent ofand says Dr / noble Mikhail professor of music education Cairo.
The music therapy is to regulate the rhythm of movement within the living body by waves of music, whether by relaxing useful for many medical conditions or through the achievement ratio on the compatibility of breath and rapid pulse and rights and music both depend on the rhythm if the misfire occurred chaos and if enrolled check Alatran ».
And affect the music on the pituitary gland and stimulate secretion of endorphins substances spectral similar in composition with morphine «Alandrovinat Almktven 1912, a pituitary hormones, researchers say it's just completed this discovery would be expected of a radical change in Alerad known for« Chemistry pain »where there is no doubt that pain and pleasure and emotion and a lot of connection to the work of diseases 'endorphins' which turned out to be music to help increase secreted a substance secreted by the body does not have any natural side effects the case with chemical drugs.

The kidney

The kidney is the human poison filter, which passes through it, and the blood is purified of toxins
                                           ؟   How to start a kidney Cobblestone 

Begin kidney stone the size of a grain of sand from a solid material in college and stick to them or deposited minerals from urine (such as salts Almalseyoum and uric acid)  the grow even turn into a block (pebble) like a piece of stone
The most common kidney stones consist of calcium united Baloxalat the (calcium oxalate) which is affecting more men than among women.
The other consists of kidney stones from uric acid, cysteine ​​or methionine.
If you have injured renal Bhsah and one, you are more susceptible to another.
Kidney stones begin forming usually in the middle of the college and if they are small, they do not cause any problems and may pass pebble minutes of scale through Habak then graduated with Polk without feeling.

However, the gallstones that are larger than half an inch may block the flow of urine to the outside of one of the kidneys, making the total swell and become painful If Pebble moved to one of the ureters or urethra even blocked, they can cause severe pain called renal colic.


The main display for kidney stones is pain, which can be severe pain usually begins in the lower side of the back and moves down until it reaches the inguinal region, tracing the path of the ureter. The pain is usually intermittent.
Nausea and vomiting Nausea and vomiting and bleeding with urine Bloody urine and blockage of urine flow, and a lack of urine output and an incentive permanently in urination Persistent urge to urinate and the incidence of infection may cause fever and chills Fever and chills and weakness, he insists urine Mtekra cloudy or The smelly foul-smelling urine.

                                          How to get rid of  of kidney stones

If you do not descend renal calculus with urinary flow, may be treated in one of the following methods:
- Lithotripsy shock waves from outside the body:
Performed in a hospital outpatient centers or Lithotripsy, this procedure takes one hour and does not require anesthesia.
The patient is placed on a special table, and draws confrontational waves of water through the bags placed on the skin near the scene of a pebble The shock waves break-gallstones into small pieces can be descending from the ureter to urine
- The use of cystoscope:
If  a pebble in one of the ureters near the bladder, the uses binoculars bladder.
The use of local or general anesthesia, a tube is inserted exploratory tight in the urethra and routed to the bladder and up the ureter. You can enter a special tool through the cystoscope to you grasp a pebble and can attract and use of electrical energy or laser energy to break up the stone.
- Lithotripsy manner penetrate the skin using this method performed on an outpatient specialties Lithotripsy larger than one inch They need to soothing the exploratory tube is inserted through a small incision in the side and is lithotripsy way ultrasound or electric power.
- Surgery:
Surgery used in case of a large pebble or inaccessible While be under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes a surgical incision in the side, and made another incision the ureter or college hand to reach the cobblestone and eradicated, then incision is sewn to lock it. This method is used only for unusual situations that did not work with the simplest means.
Diagnosis and treatment options:
You go to the doctor if you're experiencing pain mentioned previously, may prescribe you a dwelling for the pain to ease the discomfort, being you tests of urine and blood, and make arrangements for testing soundtracks such as imaging  total parenteral pink if been identified pebble, the doctor instructs tests metabolic to help to determine the cause and these tests include comprehensive assessment, and collection of a urine sample 24 hours (ie, to compile Polk for a full day), and if I got you Cobblestone with urine components must be analyzed chemically.
Treatment may take several forms, if you are among the vast majority of cases (90%) who graduated them pebble automatically with the urine within 6 weeks, this is a good thing.
Otherwise, drink plenty of water (12 Cuba them from 8 water may Islad to get rid of the gravel.
Your doctor may ask you to liquidate Polk and retain any small stones or beads minutes.
Can prevent calcium stones (which produces the output of large amounts of calcium in the urine) to take thiazide diuretics.
Gallstone treatment containing uric acid (uric acid), a doctor may prescribe a drug makes urine alkaline constantly and also may prescribe a drug allopurinol, a drug reduces the production of uric acid, as described Aloloubeyoreynol to handle most cases of gout.
Some kidney stones cause for the lack of a strong factor to be gravel inhibitor called citrate. Citrate salts can be taken either in the form of tablets or mixed with water.

To prevent a repeat of gravel *, you'll need to drink a lot of fluids (enough to make Polk almost colorless) and food Follow your doctor's advice, which may include reducing the intake of protein and salt reduction.

                                           Signs and symptoms of the disease  

Feeling tired and physical and mental exhaustion
Lack of appetite for food
Difficulty in breathing

Itching or frequent urination (especially at night).
The patient may develop blood anemia
High blood pressure and inflammation of the peripheral nerves (numbness)
As a result of the lack of active vitamin D Besorth the infected patient's bone Blaine


Choosing the best plants for your garden

Many times we buy plants on impulse then find there is no place in the garden that really suits them. Before buying plants carefully examine your garden to see how much sun and shade it gets, whether the soil is well-drained or flooded and resorted whether your side or windswept. Then will you be equipped to go and buy the best plants for your situation; loving plants shade of protected areas and lovers of the sun for places warm, plants resistant to drought for the dry areas which may be either sunny or shaded, and sink factories Parts poorly drained.

But wait! Test your soil first, to determine the pH level of your soil and what kind of nutrients you need to add, if any. Soil is acid or alkaline? Most plants prefer soil that is slightly acidic, but there are some that must have alkaline soil to grow. You can change the level of the soil pH, but it's much easier to just planting soil you have.

Now you're ready to plant. Well - almost. Will be planted in groups or individually? If you buy 'one of everything' your garden may seem somewhat spotty. Group plantings are organized, harmonious and you can vary the color for interest.

Before planting out, place your chosen plants around the garden bed in their pots to see how they will look. Rearranged until you are satisfied. Plants gathered in groups of threes or children under five years of age usually looks better than planting in groups of even numbers. Make sure that you have an interesting combination of colors and textures of plants. He added that the tall plants go back, or if the center will be looking at your garden equally from all sides. Try to keep your plants away from trees. The roots of trees are fiercely competitive and will steal all the nutrients and moisture meant for flowers.

The right color scheme is one way to maintain harmony in your garden. Imagine the color of the flowers when they are in bloom. Some colors may clash with others, but can still be planted along if they have a different blooming season. Foliage color is also important. Many plants have a silver flower and foliage, gray or purple this is just as attractive as the flower. This means that they are still attractive well past the flowering season and so have added value.

Smoking cigars

Smoking cigars 
Cigar smoking may be a great source of pleasure in your life, but the courteous smoker knows that not everyone enjoys the taste (or smell!) Of good Cuban. With the enthusiasm of the anti-smoking campaigns still in full swing, can not be on the importance of enjoying a good stogie while not insult others emphasized enough. Simply remember that while you smoke a cigar, it can be difficult to gauge the smell that others are experiencing. And do not forget that smoking cigars can be leave Jabbar strong residue on clothing, furniture, and even walls! In order to enjoy your stogie without a heavy conscience, learn to become considerate and courteous cigar smoker.

If you live with non-smokers, in an attempt to find a well ventilated area of ​​your residence where you can smoke comfortably. Although it may be tempting to lock yourself away in an office or bedroom, it's probably not a good idea to smoke in an enclosed area that did not seem to have a window. Make sure that you have easy access to the window. Never smoke in an enclosed area! You are more likely to inhale toxic air from your cigar. If possible, go outside to smoke. Pull up a chair in the garden; relax on the terrace, or any other open area where you can smoke comfortably. Get away as much as possible for non-smokers, especially children and the elderly. Remember that contains many carcinogens cigar smoke can be easily inhaled by non-smokers.

If you must smoke a cigar outside your home, remember that a courteous and respectful smoker will only light up even where legally permissible. Do not light up in a bar, hotel or restaurant where smoking is prohibited and clearly. Courteous cigar smoker will also make sure that smoking in the company of other smokers. If you are with someone who does not smoke, and ask him or her permission. If they agree, to take into account in it. Make sure that the smoke does not zap in their direction. Sit near an open window or in space. Make sure that the air conditioner or current is moving the smoke in their direction! Also, make sure no one around you is eating. Secondhand smoke of smoked word is a surefire way to ruin a meal.

A cigar smoker courteous be aware of  too. If you must smoke outside your home, make sure to get rid of your ashes in a pot is safe and appropriate. Do not forget that the ash can blow away easily, especially in the less quality cigar. Do not litter with ashes, and be careful that it does not blow near anyone around you.


Synthetic Diamonds

The production of the first synthetic diamonds
General Electric Company in 1954. A synthetic
Diamond is basically a rock that contains
Durability, refractive index and hardness
Natural diamonds - but is done by man.
Should not be a synthetic diamond
Confused with diamond stimulants, such as
Glass, cubic zirconia or moissanite.

Although the technology for artificial limbs
Diamond came to play in 1954, does not
Synthetic diamonds were seen than ever
The market until 1990. This is due to
In fact, it took many years for the public
Electrical production of synthetic diamonds
Can be compared with the quality of natural
Diamond - when you figured out how to
Do it, and they find it much more expensive to produce
Synthetic diamonds than it was to mine and
Cut natural diamonds.

Finally, a small company by the name of
Gemesis company figured out a way for
Production of synthetic diamonds, which was
The same quality as natural diamonds,
Cheaper price. Today, produces Gemesis
White synthetic diamond, colorful
Diamond also. This diamond for sale
About 1/3 of the cost of natural diamond,
But there is a shortage of them, and they
Hard to find. In fact, it seems that synthetic
Diamonds are rarer than natural diamonds!

tourism in egypt

Egypt is one of the leading tourist attractions between the countries of the world because of its tourist treasures of the multi-faceted, and the most important cultural tourism where ancient civilizations hardwired to the eye, and pronounce Nations to what it was constructed these civilizations since the dawn of history.

And next to the ancient cultural tourism product accumulation tender those civilizations was stored in a unique human heritage reflected in the lives of Egyptians diverse and rich with distinctive patterns of complexions, behaviors and habits made of Egyptian human himself Almajabul the legacy of an ancient civilization point single tourist attraction.

Did not skimp nature Egypt has the God-given - the Almighty - exclusive in nature enticing eyes and hearts, not only the beauty and charm as soon as the Nile and the pot forever settle it, but spilled Miss Egypt lysine Ssahelaha on Bahrain, white, red and dive deep into the Assaidha and spreads in the desert and make it The whole Address months .. Egypt genius of the place, Egypt is rich definition .. In history is months ..  Greek  Romania and the Arab and Islamic.

In philanthropy is the plant and store the product of the Arab Cultural and humanitarian thought, literature, politics, art, journalism, architecture, Egypt has the abundance attractive areas for tourism.

And is associated with these ingredients enormous product Egyptian tourism advanced infrastructure and modern facilities, installations and various supplies services high-end tourism from a wide range of the most luxurious hotels global transportation network air, land and marine, river distinct and telecommunications facilities and centers of instruction tourist make visiting tourists to Egypt, an important goal was to and purpose of visit full of fun and excitement and interest.

We'll start with you review some general information about our precious Egypt
Egypt is located between latitudes 22 and 31.5 north of the equator and between longitudes 25 and 37 east of Greenwich It occupies the northeast corner of the continent of Africa and in the heart of the Arab world between its wings Asia and Africa and is bordered by Libya to the west and Sudan in the south, Palestine and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the east . And topographic Egypt consist of four
The first farmland and the River Nile is the most important natural features of Egypt, and mentions here say Herodotus «Egypt gift of the Nile» is the longest river in the world and has a «6690» kilometers and Delta take the form of a triangle head in the south, where the ramifications Nile to the branches: Damietta and Rosetta, east and west where characterized by Delta fertility soil.
The second section is the Western Sahara stretching from the Nile Valley and Delta to the Libyan border in the west to the borders of Sudan from the south and covers an area of ​​68 percent of Egypt's area.
The third section of the Eastern Desert «east of the Nile to the Red Sea and an area of ​​22% of the area of ​​Egypt.
The fourth section is the Sinai Peninsula, an area of ​​6% of the area of ​​Egypt.

Egypt enjoys a mild climate overall and there is almost the northern half of the prevailing climate in the  basin variable according to the four seasons in the Western Sahara dry weather prevails not exceed ten percent humidity. And be hot and dry summers and cool rainy winters.

And is considered the most important sea lanes in the world, linking Bahrain white and Alahmrltakhtsr the ancient trade route around the Cape of Good Hope, 184 kilometers in length began Hverhaam 1858 and opened 1869 and for Egypt fought three wars of 1956, 1967, 1973

As for Egypt historically  the history she was the mother of his incubator

Egypt's history corresponded in archeological landmarks, which is still a list of and Troy chapters of its history since the first Alahadalfrona in several Egyptian museums Holdings, which records the precise details about the life of nations and peoples who lived in the Nile Valley since about seven thousand years even Asrnahma.

And perhaps be said that the history of Egypt is different from many of the countries that recorded history, according to the succession of political regimes that ruled, in Egypt's history recorded by successive civilizations and left after the demise heritage received by the back to add to it.

The history of Egypt, which overlap the archaeological and historical novel with religious novel. Between the story of families ancient Pharaonic and came in the holy books of the stories of the prophets customers who have crossed Egypt and lived there and the relationships of these with its people Copts down to the beginning of history Arab-Muslim world, which is the inauguration actual modern Egypt when he took conqueror Amr ibn al-Aas from Cairo Fustat, the capital of the mandate.

We have codified the novel religious history of Egypt, but the direction of inspiration lessons and sermons and instilled the values ​​of standardization and the right to justice and the call to worship one God and with the start of the Arab rule Islamic began taking the history of Egypt takes the attributes of documentation and arrangement and detail frequently for narrators and recording in the first books.

Egypt has received on documented evidence sensual more than Bldakhr, Vnicoh pharaohs and hieroglyphics language that decoded Hambilion the combine with narrators books Arabs and Muslims with religious novel that came in the heavenly books and access to recordings of the narrators, travelers, explorers and Western Orientalists.

And Musrtv not bounded by space and time, the evidence and landmarks Troy civilizations and stories of the Copts and the Pharaohs and the Holy Family and the Greeks and Romans and Arabs and Muslims who have settled since about 15 century where and acknowledged its Arab Islamic roots of civilization multiple, and the effects of the hallmarks of the invaders who  and crossed and deported from the French and Angelazogerhm.

Civilized can recognize that the modern state of Egypt was founded at the beginning of the era of the great family of Muhammad Ali, who came from Albania and Ottoman rulermandate Nhawwalastqlal and laid the foundations of modern renaissance looking forward to European civilization boys and her carrier systems, methods and manifestations. This rule has continued the family that the Egyptians took the reins of their country on July 23, 1952 to begin the era of the Egyptian Republic to take over the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser the directed  the leadership towards confirm  the Islamic and Arab identity and its leading role in the Arab region until the present time.

During the rule of the family of Mohammed Ali, Egypt witnessed two  waves coming from Europe: the first is a French expedition led by Napoleon in 1798 and which left civilized effects on Egyptian society, and the second is the British occupation in 1882, which lasted even Gelaúh ​​after the July Revolution in 1952.

Ramadan in Cairo .. Another type of tourism

Besides tourism Spirit in Rehab faith that opens prospects in the holy month of Ramadan, the holy days of the month in Old Cairo special taste is rarely found before in all the capitals of the Middle ..
Times concentrated enjoy tourism Ramadan between my breakfast and sahoor watch in the areas of the field Hussein Khan el-Khalili, there in the center of Cairo can be fasting that deals with an intense dose of history and grandeur through the surrounding historic buildings. And if you want more head down to the neighborhood Sayeda Zeinab to witness and feel the celebration real for the month of Ramadan, where Zain population streets narrow Bzenat paper but exhilarating, and above the lanterns majority of balconies and free street corner or alley of vendors pickles, bread and drink licorice and all of the axioms of tables of Ramadan.

The areas that turn in this month to what might be called the Ramadan tourism area of the castle which is the focus of any visit to the Islamic Cairo tourist.

In the field of Salah al-Din, the bottom of the castle, which is not free throughout the year from hammocks and tents which receives the pioneers fairs of various tourists can Ramadan to win views Other Ramadan was popular and so  cafe adjacent to the Sultan Hassan Mosque and from there gets pioneers on the fun is priceless overlooking thescene Rifai mosque of Sultan Hassan, worshipers and children celebrating Ramadan and sellers of oriental sweets.

With a cup of tea  of your chair will allow you to follow-up giant television screens the most prominent series that mostly revolves around images of life in Egypt before the thirty or forty years or more .. If you are a fan of excellence, the Egyptian Opera House offers you a program full of songs and music of Ramadan nature presents a very interesting day performances Saturday and Monday and Wednesday of Sufi music. And ends on tourism Ramadan with the appointment sahoor which the repeated scenes of banquets Sheets and drinks Almnanah not stop until dawn with ears.

‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Important information. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Important information. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الاثنين، 19 أغسطس 2013


Laughter is a natural reaction  proper human being on the ridiculous positions can also be a means of defense against fear spontaneous situations. And laughter is an expression of sympathy and mutual understanding between human beings, which is one of the means of human communication throughout history.
Is now used as a therapeutic laughter through hormone secretion and strengthen immunity. After several bouts of laughter increases white blood cells in the blood. Laughter helps to strengthen the muscles of the face, abdomen and blood circulation in the heart, leading to raise blood pressure and increase the proportion of oxygen in the blood and children's clinics there is a clown.
When a person laughs moving muscle in 17 and 80 face the whole muscle in the body and breathing getting faster.

Laughter and body:

Heart: Numerous studies say that laughter protects the heart, and so indirectly and explanation behind it that the pressure of mental cause an imbalance lining the garrison of the blood vessels, and soon to be affected by this lining resulting in a number of reactions from infections that lead to the accumulation of cholesterolon the wall of the coronary arteries and the final result of a heart attack. More about cholesterol .. As explains, "Steve Soltanov" felt the American Association of treatment with laughter: "When the laughs human heart secretes the hormone cortisol (a hormone that is secreted when the human being under the influence of pressure) lack of, so when the human being in the case of the pressure and deals with these pressures laughter reduces the rate of excretion of the body the hormone cortisol. "It also says "Soltanov": "that laughter increases the likelihood of human pain, strengthens the body through the secretion of antibodies that fight infection and prevent hardening of the arteries, and then humans angina or heart attack

Fitness:  say scientists that laughter is a hundred times equals in effect making in physical activity (exercise on the wheel for about 15 minutes).Laughter is running the diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial muscles, legs and back.

Strengthen muscles: In addition to the many advantages of human laughter, it strengthens the abdominal muscles. He says the world "Gard VIP Cohen" Jared B. Cohen, who conducted several laboratory experiments to laugh, that: "The laughter helps not only the heart, but it also helps the beauty of the body and appearance." There are some people that believe that laughter and a very easy and inexpensive and painless to maintain the beauty of where human help to tighten the abdominal muscles and non Atralha. He told about (14) of the patients (15) were subjected to experiments "Cohen" that laughter is already better than some exercise. And laughter to be effective, must be the person continues to smile for a period of (30) seconds until at least feel a sense of simple combustion. In spite of that laughter is way Alzivh the alternative sport, but it is always recommended the need to exercise as possible.

Increase the immune

Works laughter at the same time to increase the hormones that works to improve the overall health, Kalandrovens. It also works to increase the number of cells producing antibodies. This means strengthening the immune system, while reducing the impact on the body physically as a result of exposure to the tension. Which leads to better disease resistance.

Physical and emotional relaxation

The obvious positive effects on the body after the laughter feeling relaxed physical and emotional together, note that after the laughter muscles remain relaxed for about 45 minutes.

Internal exercises do not feel

Did you know you play sports during the laughter? requires some internal exercise that occurs automatically without that we feel.deep working on tightening the diaphragm, is also working on the contraction of the abdominal muscles. It also helps to exercise the muscles in the shoulder, then  on more than normal after the completion of laughter.

Get rid of negative emotions

Laughter Asttna the some of the negative feelings, arousal such as anger, guilt, and tension. It also makes us more able to deal with the problems.

Laughter provide the body with energy

Laughter faster deadly weapon for the pain and tension, there is no any way rebalance the body and mind faster than laughter, it strengthens and makes us hope we communicate with others easily and increases concentration. The result is the ability to innovate and problem-solving therapy.

Laughter protects the heart

To laugh a direct impact on the health of the heart, it strengthens the function of blood vessels and improves blood flow, which helps to prevent the risk of cardiac crises and vascular diseases in general.

Laughter and mental health

Including that laughter reduces stress and increases relaxation, then your mental health improves. So as to increase the area of ​​one's mind to see things more realistically and without exaggeration. And prevents decision-making under psychological pressure.

Dancing and Singing


Dancing is a consistency of movement of body parts with each other in harmony with the

rhythm and music to coincide with the movement of eyes 

Benefits of dance

- Get the best muscles.

- Giving the body flexible.

- Strengthen the heart muscle.

- Improve lung function.

- To help you lose weight easily

- Improve mood

- Helping to unload the negative energy and feeling refreshed


Singing is a sound art combines 3 key elements are music, word and sound. And singing the natural form of expression, and is found in all societies and cultures all over the world.

الخميس، 15 أغسطس 2013

Mobile vibrations

A small nuclear reactor
Leaving open mobile devices in the bedrooms cause insomnia
.And excessive use leads to brain damage and the weak of heart
Warned the inventor of mobile phone chips chemist German Friedlheim Volnhorst the risk of leaving mobile devices open in the bedrooms on the human brain, said in an exclusive interview with him in Munich, that keep the machines or any other devices to send or receive a space in the bedrooms causing a state of insomnia and anxiety and the lack of sleep and brain damage resulting in long-term Tadmerghazalmnaah in the body.
He said in a press statement that there are values ​​for frequency radiation emitted from mobile, the initial 900 MHz and the second 1.8 MHz, exposing the human body to many risks, pointing out stations, mobile phone booster equivalent in strength radiation caused by a small nuclear reactor, and the frequency electromagnetic resulting from Mobile powerful than X-rays, which penetrate all organs of the body, known ray "**".
He said the world German chemist who lives alone in his apartment in Munich that Mobile can be emitted from mobile power higher than the allowable tissue head when each pulse sent, where emitted from mobile digital X-ray electromagnetic frequency of 900 MHz on the pulses and up time pulse to 546 microseconds and pulse repetition rate of 215 Hz.
He noted in this regard to many phenomena disease suffered by the majority of users of mobile such as headaches, pain and impaired memory, insomnia and anxiety during sleep and ringing in the ear at night as that exposure to high doses of these electromagnetic waves can damage  rights. Tinnitus interpreted as the result of overcapacity in the human body and reached through exposure to more electromagnetic waves.
Said Professor who invented the mobile chips while working in the German company Siemens Electronics, that mobile phone radiation hit the brain cells about 215 times per second resulting in a high rate of cancerous transformation in the body of 4% from the normal rate.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are in the world about 400 million mobile phone "Mobile" and is likely to reach this number to one billion.
He said he was forced to retire and begin to cure himself of bone cancer using natural materials such as seeds, dried mango and dried garlic pointed out that there is an adverse effect on public health in the case of limit exceeded safety in accordance with the standards adopted internationally for mobile use recommended further studies to see if they There are more adverse effects when using this phone over the long term as the shortcomings in the knowledge of these effects lead to serious consequences.
German professor said that the cancer in the adult human and the output of the risk of environmental impact can be detected only after more than ten years since the beginning of the exposure it has to be the need to implement studies and research on the long-term.
He warned the world of chemistry Germany at the end of the dialogue, which was conducted with him at the Friendship Association of Bavarian Arab in Munich, warned of the danger of mobile devices or electronics in general on children's health, and the organs of the body sensitive for adults, Kalmkh heart, and said that modern technologies are a major cause of high rates The most common diseases in developed countries.
And holds a German scientist, a professor in Industrial Chemistry spent 45 years of his life in the technical inventions, carries in his pocket arm a small aluminum invented himself can which to identify the sources of radiation in any enclosed space such as offices, rooms and      sleep as he sets out Qibla direction towards the Kaaba

A recent study confirmed that the short-wave of human exposure in the home or at work lead to the obvious damage to the wall cells, especially red blood cells and cause an imbalance in blood enzymes as a result of the damage, which affects the cells of the glands that secrete these enzymes
The study warned of premature aging infection among young people because of the mobile phone and because of electromagnetic waves from broadcasting towers and wireless phone help on the activity and spread of breast cancer.

And that the longer the exposure of these human cells for these waves has increased its effect on cells, as some of the people who are destined to them in their lives occurrence of cancerous tumors in the brain at an advanced age, according to programming their cells cerebral orders causing genes for these tumors that generate them since the first moment of Oladthm these people if you happened to have used a mobile phone for extended periods long convergent day more than 10 -15 minutes per call, the electromagnetic field created by the mobile phone while using it activates genes Kromuzat brain cells have early starts giving orders reproduction of cancerous cells.

Are advised not to stretching in the development of the mobile phone on the ear for more than 15 minutes per call and a maximum of 4-6 calls a day, and the dimensions of the device from the head to avoid electromagnetic waves, and use separate speakers.

الأربعاء، 14 أغسطس 2013

the sun

 Amounts of gas flaring in the center of the solar system and Earth orbits with eight  other planets around the sun and only one of billions of stars in the universe
Ataatmes with something, but of great importance to humans outweigh the  importance of the other stars Without the sun's heat and light
Sunlight contains all the colors we see in a rainbow but it
Merge some of them updated in some white light
Therefore, we see a white sun
The sun in our solar system is one of twenty billion at least another star in the Milky Way at the age of about five thousand million years and the sun of the medium-sized stars as 1392000 km in diameter and mass equal to 1.99 hit 10 as 33 grams
The sun is composed of 75% Hydro ***
20% helium produced by burning hydrocarbons ***
In addition to the other components very small percentage
Lose the sun in the interactions of five million tonnes in the second year and lose in one hundred and fifty-seven billion, six hundred and eighty billion tons
Protection from the sun at all ages of paramount importance to prevent any damage either the short or long term and condoms is one of the very important parts in the system of protection from the sun and should be used in addition to other safety steps in order to achieve the best results of protection

The excessive exposure to the sun could happen severe pain and displays the body and skin burns though solar severe burn may cause significant risks to the skin such as skin cancer later in a person's life 
And intense exposure for long periods may cause
Facial wrinkle
Freckles and melasma
Leather patches
Expansion of the blood vessels
Changes in the composition of the skin makes the skin appear older

Protection from the sun

Not taking baths solar
Wearing broad hats when exposed to sunlight
Use sunglasses
Use of protective clothing

If it was necessary to exposure to the sun, it is recommended to use a protective person is protected from the sun where there are protective factors of dangers
The sun produces invisible rays and invisible rays known as invisible radiation UV

These rays cause

Skin burns
Other damage

And effective protection to avoid the strong effects of sunlight has recommended the American Society dermatologists these instructions

Use spectral markets with solar protection broker
When swimming or exposure to water should be used Sunscreen Waterproof
Must not exceed the use of condoms for more than an hour and a half if the intense heat of the sun
Must wear protective headgear for the head and preferably be broad
Find shaded areas and sit where, if possible
Advisable to wear protective clothing Court

Solar condoms

Solar condoms to absorb or p ** or dispersing radiation on the skin and are available in many forms, including a
Adhesive wax

It must be written by the numbers that determine the strength

And the higher the numbers are more protection
It must not be less than 15 in any of the markets and protectors of sun protection

The damage from the sun often happens between ten o'clock in the morning and at four 
in the afternoon when the sun is at the height of its power 

Most of the clothing protects from UV rays, but white clothing manufacturers such as cotton baggy and wet clothes that stick to the skin does not give great protection

But tight clothes give greater protection
The sun protection is also needed in the winter, when that Aa snow ** 80% of the sun's rays and cause some skin burns

And winter sports in the mountains increase the risk of damage because the solar distance closer to the sun
The sun's closest star to Earth, and that the nature of our sun gas inflamed rather than being an object hard to make her some facts curiosities, including: it rotates on its axis in a manner completely different to the way rotation of the planets, solid Amidst the sun "line ا" revolves around the axis a full cycle in 25 days while lengthened this period in areas north and south of the equator until it reaches about 37 days at the poles, which means that the sun in this case revolves like Fl read out and spin method called differential rotation. (Differential Rotation), any spin Perhaps this movement described by Ibn Abbas when he said from the sun, it rotates and spins the spindle, and this consequently leads to overlapping lines of magnetic forces on the surface in a very complex and these in turn with the passage of time affect the strong emergence of some solar phenomena such as solar costs

Sun source of warmth and brightness on the land and without sun the life on earth. Solar energy is necessary for plant and animal life, and most other energy on the ground, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and wind are only different forms of solar energy. The surprised reader if they learned that the sun, which is the backbone of life on Earth and that sanctified the ancients for this reason, is only a superstar moderate in size, mass and luster, where there are in the universe, stars larger than the sun known as Astral giant, as there are stars smaller than the sun known as Astral Dwarfs. The fact that the sun and star compromise makes it more stable, which is reflected on the stability of life on Earth. If the solar radiation exceeds a certain limit to life on earth is burned even lack of solar radiation on a certain extent also froze life on Earth.

The sun is the closest star to Earth, which is the only star that its surface landmarks can be seen by the telescope. As for the rest of the stars is difficult even now see the details of their roofs due to the deep after us. Floa used laparoscopic largest in the world see the stars Knqt the shiny and without details, but if used binoculars moderate in strength for our space on the surface of the sun is equal to Egypt Tqrbea area. For example and comparison, we find that the average after-sun from the earth equals 93 million miles away and knows the astronomical unit to measure distances in the universe and is equal to 147.6 million km.

The nearest star or sun to us after our sun is estimated beyond about 4.2 light-years away any equivalent to about 42 million million kilometers, while the distance of time that light travels to reach us from the sun is eight and a half minutes and this distance when compared to the nearest star is a short but Bhsabatna ground enormous The total if Derna around the Earth almost four thousand times.

This solar ball round contains a huge amount of gas inflamed coherent and intense heat, and sometimes there seems sun like wearing a rosy from bumps, which is a light pale pink around the sun Kaeltag, called Ahawaz solar, topped with a layer of hot gas pearl metastatic portrayed thin Space and called the solar corona.

Astronomers and can see Ahawaz the solar corona and the sun as well as the cost, which is in the form of black spots sometimes appear on the surface of the sun using machines and astronomical observatories.
Stages of the life of the sun
Formed the sun nebula or cloud of gas in the Milky Way since about five billion years and took radiate continuously since then spent about four million tons of material per second when it is attenuated (hydrogen) in her heart has turned into helium result of fusion (enough to know that turning gm One of the article to energy sufficient to eject the energy reward for the bomb placed on Hiroshima) and currently is the sun valuable stage pattern of basic life after Nvaz hydrogen from the heart of the sun Sanaqbd and the temperature rises in her heart, a result of the nuclear reactions of helium gas and Taatnfaj layers of Foreign Affairs and changes color and Pantfajha become a red giant up diameter Aflak planets nearby, and  each of the planetary Mercury, Venus and the Earth within the atmosphere and when the helium transition to _khasven (Carbon) will change color the sun from red to yellow and enter another phase of her life devoid layers of Foreign Affairs of the material as a result extended by, shrink inside constantly then crumble internal layers, and then become a white dwarf. 

الثلاثاء، 13 أغسطس 2013


Music is the universal language of expression and music is the language that we hear in everything in   life in the home of TV in Phone  rings      
It is also the art of melody and musical voices Are all toned voice you hear his ear and rest .. Whether it this Bushra sound or issued by birds or  .. Or of a musical ... Voted birds such as , and the Canary Karawan, for example .. Beautiful voice and the 
sweetness and rest his ear .. This is the voice of music

When you hear a piece of music, and you find yourself in harmony with different melodies and tones and can take you to a virtual world in less than seconds .. This is the Hidden Power of Music, as well as include this force enormous capacity to develop a sense of beauty, especially in children, when you hear the child colors of music since childhood have a payoff deep at all stages of growth has not on the level of emotional and aesthetic, but also on the level of mental and cultural Music for the child as a maestro who regulates  between thinking and feeling and education of the child in all stages of growth.
Children from 3 to 6 months, the child begins to  towards the sound source, and shows signs of pleasure and surprise about the music and with the end of the first year begins to make movements physical with the rhythm of the music, the children in the second year of life increases the manifestations of positive response for active music a clear increase, and include this appearances on clapping hands, and feet, moving the head, and move the knees forward and back, and show early signs of synergy between music and movement beginning of the month, the eighteenth, where the child can harmonize the movements rhythmic and issued by the music of the votes then, from the age of Third, increasing the child's desire to sit and listen to music attentively instead of issuing automatic movements.
Trends and preferences of the trends in children and  for music is changing rapidly through hear some musical acts different, for example, children at the age of twelve and thirteen prefer music with fast-paced, and children at the age of six or seven do not give interesting if the music was fast or slow, you play as culture surrounding the child in the formation of preferences musical, a child affected by colors music that plays in the vicinity of the environment in which they live in the home, school and folk, and remain Preferences children to music is fixed and non-specific, ongoing since childhood and at least this gradually with the progress of the child's age and completion of cognitive development, emotional and cognitive , setting trends musical of the individual in the relative stability and This usually occurs in adulthood, and worth mentioning here that displays the child from an early age to some kind of music helps him a lot in shaping trends in child preference musician later, if subjected the child to classical music, for example, since Micro form and details trends in the future direction of classical music, and so on. Music and intelligence there is the question imposes itself in this regard is whether the role of music in the development of children's intelligence, or that there is no role for music in this? In my opinion, this question of the important questions when studying the effect of music on the human psyche, they differed scientists and researchers in the answer to this question as there are studies demonstrated that it is not the role of music in the development of intelligence Kkdrh mentality In contrast, studies have shown that music play a crucial role in developing the capacity of intelligence among individuals in my own that there are types of music - and not all music - have a role in the development of intelligence in children and mention here the experience of music «Mozart» on children, which was named «the effect of Mozart» The thrust of this experiment looks like this: that there are two sets of children are equal in characteristics such as age, educational level and are equal in the number of males and females in each group, were measured IQ of the two groups - using metrics designed to measure the intelligence of children - and then came the first set to the music of «Mozart» for a certain time has not suffered the second set to this music, or any music other and then were measured IQ for the second time the two groups and the results were increasing the proportion of intelligent children first group - which came to the music of Mozart - by ten degrees for the second group, which under the percentage of her intelligence fixed and the conclusion here is that the music's role in increasing the proportion of intelligence in children. Raise awareness of music, there are six points is the essence of some of the studies that dealt with music improve cognition in children are as follows:
1 - During the first year children feel the alarm and sensory and mental alertness when listening to music sexy.
2 - During the first two years, children become in the case of significant activity when listening to music, they Ehtzon back and forth, and move, and walk, and, and dancing, or pay attention intently, and more business impact them here are the words and themes and simple tunes strong and systematic itself.
3 - Can children with special musical preparations to re-produce tunes accurately at the age of 2 or 3 years, but most of the children they start so at the age of 4-6 years.
4 - Keep children songs and then doing some changes after that, and this kind of symbolic play music seems to be closely related to linguistic play that characterizes most of the children.
It reveals that particular aspects of stimuli that are important for the central child «especially the prevailing rhythm and some of the salient spacing and reveals as well as those aspects that are lacking or little child's attendance 'Orchestration distribution and decorative ornaments, for example.
5 - at the age of 5 years or so are a few difficulties in children to recognize and singing to a large number of songs and .
They integrate somehow with stimuli musical, and are affected emotionally significantly out,  is the experience of dynamic mental cognitive Basically, for a young child, and the use of the machines should be postponed until the available capacity to take himself - deep down - with music.
6 - A note reading, and playing musical, is limited to a small number of people, which often begins with the school year, and through appropriate training.
It is this stress on the importance of music in children and with the child from the moment of his birth, through all the different ages of the child.
Finally, note that the music a very important role in the life of the individual is not only because it involved individuals in cases of entertainment and fun, but working to refine the human psyche and makes them in a psychological condition better, it also works to increase IQ in children and more importantly, develop a sense of beauty in children until come to us individual has a sense of the beauty of things around him, and this is reflected doubt on himself and his life,  of the causes of happiness in this life and without which we were in misery and brutality, is the melody of life eternal and is no stranger to this effect is significant for music on the psychological and neurological on the human body occupied the treatment music a unique position in modern medicine and distinct lies Excellence for treating your music lack of side effects to medicines and medical drugs. due date of music therapy in the history of Arabic medicine to Ibn Sina, who wrote a book he called «cure» and treatment of psychiatric patients your music by planting flowers and landscapes contemplative green «Music Nature» The Razi use to play the lute music have realized the effect of music on patients when he was playing in the whereabouts of patients who were  and asking for more.
The Farabi who played once on the zither and laugh and play again I might weep and a thirdpresent the modern era began music therapy after wars Almuten and established the first program for managing a degree in music therapy from the University of Michigan America 1944 and then rolled Centers music therapy worldwide.
And about the change scientific impact of music due specialists explanation physicist interview, which says that the sound and music Mahma only part of the article have frequencies specified in the natural state is the frequency of the particles (IAEA) around the nucleus and thus the atoms in our bodies and each atom of which wavelength given in the case of natural hesitate when When this happens haunt some human neurological or psychiatric diseases, the frequency of the particles in atoms of the body.
Vtkon frequencies musical «sound» or sound waves of music rectify the imbalance quotient of atoms and particles in the body because the sound «waves or pulses applied in the authorized rights and up through the nerves to the brain where there is a simultaneous translation of the body begins to interact with researchers say that the sound waves of music collide Body The microscopic occur  the very faint working to activate cells and tiny blood vessels in the part in which they collide.
The play centers of energy in the body and distributes the energy centers of the body a role in influencing your music and thus affect the dominant parts of each center. Have a certain oscillation of the importance of music to peace and these vibrations differ for the sick and the pressures and music therapy restores to their natural frequency.
The explanation is to contain a living cell in the human body of water that contains it nearly 70% 80% and is affected to receive acoustic vibrations that turn turn to electromagnetic waves generate clean energy explosion energies pent This as well as lower incidence of what is known as b «hunger nervous» as rhythm forgotten more and tells us  him food, thus reducing the amount of food because of mental focus with every musical instrument and every tune issued them to be mixed with all the machines and become Kalaurkstrar is something which in turn contributes to maintaining the equilibrium mechanism of the body that defines the relationship between hunger and satiety and of course This is the treatment of obesity and obesity by identifying the type of music and extent ofand says Dr / noble Mikhail professor of music education Cairo.
The music therapy is to regulate the rhythm of movement within the living body by waves of music, whether by relaxing useful for many medical conditions or through the achievement ratio on the compatibility of breath and rapid pulse and rights and music both depend on the rhythm if the misfire occurred chaos and if enrolled check Alatran ».
And affect the music on the pituitary gland and stimulate secretion of endorphins substances spectral similar in composition with morphine «Alandrovinat Almktven 1912, a pituitary hormones, researchers say it's just completed this discovery would be expected of a radical change in Alerad known for« Chemistry pain »where there is no doubt that pain and pleasure and emotion and a lot of connection to the work of diseases 'endorphins' which turned out to be music to help increase secreted a substance secreted by the body does not have any natural side effects the case with chemical drugs.

The kidney

The kidney is the human poison filter, which passes through it, and the blood is purified of toxins
                                           ؟   How to start a kidney Cobblestone 

Begin kidney stone the size of a grain of sand from a solid material in college and stick to them or deposited minerals from urine (such as salts Almalseyoum and uric acid)  the grow even turn into a block (pebble) like a piece of stone
The most common kidney stones consist of calcium united Baloxalat the (calcium oxalate) which is affecting more men than among women.
The other consists of kidney stones from uric acid, cysteine ​​or methionine.
If you have injured renal Bhsah and one, you are more susceptible to another.
Kidney stones begin forming usually in the middle of the college and if they are small, they do not cause any problems and may pass pebble minutes of scale through Habak then graduated with Polk without feeling.

However, the gallstones that are larger than half an inch may block the flow of urine to the outside of one of the kidneys, making the total swell and become painful If Pebble moved to one of the ureters or urethra even blocked, they can cause severe pain called renal colic.


The main display for kidney stones is pain, which can be severe pain usually begins in the lower side of the back and moves down until it reaches the inguinal region, tracing the path of the ureter. The pain is usually intermittent.
Nausea and vomiting Nausea and vomiting and bleeding with urine Bloody urine and blockage of urine flow, and a lack of urine output and an incentive permanently in urination Persistent urge to urinate and the incidence of infection may cause fever and chills Fever and chills and weakness, he insists urine Mtekra cloudy or The smelly foul-smelling urine.

                                          How to get rid of  of kidney stones

If you do not descend renal calculus with urinary flow, may be treated in one of the following methods:
- Lithotripsy shock waves from outside the body:
Performed in a hospital outpatient centers or Lithotripsy, this procedure takes one hour and does not require anesthesia.
The patient is placed on a special table, and draws confrontational waves of water through the bags placed on the skin near the scene of a pebble The shock waves break-gallstones into small pieces can be descending from the ureter to urine
- The use of cystoscope:
If  a pebble in one of the ureters near the bladder, the uses binoculars bladder.
The use of local or general anesthesia, a tube is inserted exploratory tight in the urethra and routed to the bladder and up the ureter. You can enter a special tool through the cystoscope to you grasp a pebble and can attract and use of electrical energy or laser energy to break up the stone.
- Lithotripsy manner penetrate the skin using this method performed on an outpatient specialties Lithotripsy larger than one inch They need to soothing the exploratory tube is inserted through a small incision in the side and is lithotripsy way ultrasound or electric power.
- Surgery:
Surgery used in case of a large pebble or inaccessible While be under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes a surgical incision in the side, and made another incision the ureter or college hand to reach the cobblestone and eradicated, then incision is sewn to lock it. This method is used only for unusual situations that did not work with the simplest means.
Diagnosis and treatment options:
You go to the doctor if you're experiencing pain mentioned previously, may prescribe you a dwelling for the pain to ease the discomfort, being you tests of urine and blood, and make arrangements for testing soundtracks such as imaging  total parenteral pink if been identified pebble, the doctor instructs tests metabolic to help to determine the cause and these tests include comprehensive assessment, and collection of a urine sample 24 hours (ie, to compile Polk for a full day), and if I got you Cobblestone with urine components must be analyzed chemically.
Treatment may take several forms, if you are among the vast majority of cases (90%) who graduated them pebble automatically with the urine within 6 weeks, this is a good thing.
Otherwise, drink plenty of water (12 Cuba them from 8 water may Islad to get rid of the gravel.
Your doctor may ask you to liquidate Polk and retain any small stones or beads minutes.
Can prevent calcium stones (which produces the output of large amounts of calcium in the urine) to take thiazide diuretics.
Gallstone treatment containing uric acid (uric acid), a doctor may prescribe a drug makes urine alkaline constantly and also may prescribe a drug allopurinol, a drug reduces the production of uric acid, as described Aloloubeyoreynol to handle most cases of gout.
Some kidney stones cause for the lack of a strong factor to be gravel inhibitor called citrate. Citrate salts can be taken either in the form of tablets or mixed with water.

To prevent a repeat of gravel *, you'll need to drink a lot of fluids (enough to make Polk almost colorless) and food Follow your doctor's advice, which may include reducing the intake of protein and salt reduction.

                                           Signs and symptoms of the disease  

Feeling tired and physical and mental exhaustion
Lack of appetite for food
Difficulty in breathing

Itching or frequent urination (especially at night).
The patient may develop blood anemia
High blood pressure and inflammation of the peripheral nerves (numbness)
As a result of the lack of active vitamin D Besorth the infected patient's bone Blaine

الاثنين، 5 أغسطس 2013


Choosing the best plants for your garden

Many times we buy plants on impulse then find there is no place in the garden that really suits them. Before buying plants carefully examine your garden to see how much sun and shade it gets, whether the soil is well-drained or flooded and resorted whether your side or windswept. Then will you be equipped to go and buy the best plants for your situation; loving plants shade of protected areas and lovers of the sun for places warm, plants resistant to drought for the dry areas which may be either sunny or shaded, and sink factories Parts poorly drained.

But wait! Test your soil first, to determine the pH level of your soil and what kind of nutrients you need to add, if any. Soil is acid or alkaline? Most plants prefer soil that is slightly acidic, but there are some that must have alkaline soil to grow. You can change the level of the soil pH, but it's much easier to just planting soil you have.

Now you're ready to plant. Well - almost. Will be planted in groups or individually? If you buy 'one of everything' your garden may seem somewhat spotty. Group plantings are organized, harmonious and you can vary the color for interest.

Before planting out, place your chosen plants around the garden bed in their pots to see how they will look. Rearranged until you are satisfied. Plants gathered in groups of threes or children under five years of age usually looks better than planting in groups of even numbers. Make sure that you have an interesting combination of colors and textures of plants. He added that the tall plants go back, or if the center will be looking at your garden equally from all sides. Try to keep your plants away from trees. The roots of trees are fiercely competitive and will steal all the nutrients and moisture meant for flowers.

The right color scheme is one way to maintain harmony in your garden. Imagine the color of the flowers when they are in bloom. Some colors may clash with others, but can still be planted along if they have a different blooming season. Foliage color is also important. Many plants have a silver flower and foliage, gray or purple this is just as attractive as the flower. This means that they are still attractive well past the flowering season and so have added value.

Smoking cigars

Smoking cigars 
Cigar smoking may be a great source of pleasure in your life, but the courteous smoker knows that not everyone enjoys the taste (or smell!) Of good Cuban. With the enthusiasm of the anti-smoking campaigns still in full swing, can not be on the importance of enjoying a good stogie while not insult others emphasized enough. Simply remember that while you smoke a cigar, it can be difficult to gauge the smell that others are experiencing. And do not forget that smoking cigars can be leave Jabbar strong residue on clothing, furniture, and even walls! In order to enjoy your stogie without a heavy conscience, learn to become considerate and courteous cigar smoker.

If you live with non-smokers, in an attempt to find a well ventilated area of ​​your residence where you can smoke comfortably. Although it may be tempting to lock yourself away in an office or bedroom, it's probably not a good idea to smoke in an enclosed area that did not seem to have a window. Make sure that you have easy access to the window. Never smoke in an enclosed area! You are more likely to inhale toxic air from your cigar. If possible, go outside to smoke. Pull up a chair in the garden; relax on the terrace, or any other open area where you can smoke comfortably. Get away as much as possible for non-smokers, especially children and the elderly. Remember that contains many carcinogens cigar smoke can be easily inhaled by non-smokers.

If you must smoke a cigar outside your home, remember that a courteous and respectful smoker will only light up even where legally permissible. Do not light up in a bar, hotel or restaurant where smoking is prohibited and clearly. Courteous cigar smoker will also make sure that smoking in the company of other smokers. If you are with someone who does not smoke, and ask him or her permission. If they agree, to take into account in it. Make sure that the smoke does not zap in their direction. Sit near an open window or in space. Make sure that the air conditioner or current is moving the smoke in their direction! Also, make sure no one around you is eating. Secondhand smoke of smoked word is a surefire way to ruin a meal.

A cigar smoker courteous be aware of  too. If you must smoke outside your home, make sure to get rid of your ashes in a pot is safe and appropriate. Do not forget that the ash can blow away easily, especially in the less quality cigar. Do not litter with ashes, and be careful that it does not blow near anyone around you.


Synthetic Diamonds

The production of the first synthetic diamonds
General Electric Company in 1954. A synthetic
Diamond is basically a rock that contains
Durability, refractive index and hardness
Natural diamonds - but is done by man.
Should not be a synthetic diamond
Confused with diamond stimulants, such as
Glass, cubic zirconia or moissanite.

Although the technology for artificial limbs
Diamond came to play in 1954, does not
Synthetic diamonds were seen than ever
The market until 1990. This is due to
In fact, it took many years for the public
Electrical production of synthetic diamonds
Can be compared with the quality of natural
Diamond - when you figured out how to
Do it, and they find it much more expensive to produce
Synthetic diamonds than it was to mine and
Cut natural diamonds.

Finally, a small company by the name of
Gemesis company figured out a way for
Production of synthetic diamonds, which was
The same quality as natural diamonds,
Cheaper price. Today, produces Gemesis
White synthetic diamond, colorful
Diamond also. This diamond for sale
About 1/3 of the cost of natural diamond,
But there is a shortage of them, and they
Hard to find. In fact, it seems that synthetic
Diamonds are rarer than natural diamonds!

الأحد، 4 أغسطس 2013

tourism in egypt

Egypt is one of the leading tourist attractions between the countries of the world because of its tourist treasures of the multi-faceted, and the most important cultural tourism where ancient civilizations hardwired to the eye, and pronounce Nations to what it was constructed these civilizations since the dawn of history.

And next to the ancient cultural tourism product accumulation tender those civilizations was stored in a unique human heritage reflected in the lives of Egyptians diverse and rich with distinctive patterns of complexions, behaviors and habits made of Egyptian human himself Almajabul the legacy of an ancient civilization point single tourist attraction.

Did not skimp nature Egypt has the God-given - the Almighty - exclusive in nature enticing eyes and hearts, not only the beauty and charm as soon as the Nile and the pot forever settle it, but spilled Miss Egypt lysine Ssahelaha on Bahrain, white, red and dive deep into the Assaidha and spreads in the desert and make it The whole Address months .. Egypt genius of the place, Egypt is rich definition .. In history is months ..  Greek  Romania and the Arab and Islamic.

In philanthropy is the plant and store the product of the Arab Cultural and humanitarian thought, literature, politics, art, journalism, architecture, Egypt has the abundance attractive areas for tourism.

And is associated with these ingredients enormous product Egyptian tourism advanced infrastructure and modern facilities, installations and various supplies services high-end tourism from a wide range of the most luxurious hotels global transportation network air, land and marine, river distinct and telecommunications facilities and centers of instruction tourist make visiting tourists to Egypt, an important goal was to and purpose of visit full of fun and excitement and interest.

We'll start with you review some general information about our precious Egypt
Egypt is located between latitudes 22 and 31.5 north of the equator and between longitudes 25 and 37 east of Greenwich It occupies the northeast corner of the continent of Africa and in the heart of the Arab world between its wings Asia and Africa and is bordered by Libya to the west and Sudan in the south, Palestine and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the east . And topographic Egypt consist of four
The first farmland and the River Nile is the most important natural features of Egypt, and mentions here say Herodotus «Egypt gift of the Nile» is the longest river in the world and has a «6690» kilometers and Delta take the form of a triangle head in the south, where the ramifications Nile to the branches: Damietta and Rosetta, east and west where characterized by Delta fertility soil.
The second section is the Western Sahara stretching from the Nile Valley and Delta to the Libyan border in the west to the borders of Sudan from the south and covers an area of ​​68 percent of Egypt's area.
The third section of the Eastern Desert «east of the Nile to the Red Sea and an area of ​​22% of the area of ​​Egypt.
The fourth section is the Sinai Peninsula, an area of ​​6% of the area of ​​Egypt.

Egypt enjoys a mild climate overall and there is almost the northern half of the prevailing climate in the  basin variable according to the four seasons in the Western Sahara dry weather prevails not exceed ten percent humidity. And be hot and dry summers and cool rainy winters.

And is considered the most important sea lanes in the world, linking Bahrain white and Alahmrltakhtsr the ancient trade route around the Cape of Good Hope, 184 kilometers in length began Hverhaam 1858 and opened 1869 and for Egypt fought three wars of 1956, 1967, 1973

As for Egypt historically  the history she was the mother of his incubator

Egypt's history corresponded in archeological landmarks, which is still a list of and Troy chapters of its history since the first Alahadalfrona in several Egyptian museums Holdings, which records the precise details about the life of nations and peoples who lived in the Nile Valley since about seven thousand years even Asrnahma.

And perhaps be said that the history of Egypt is different from many of the countries that recorded history, according to the succession of political regimes that ruled, in Egypt's history recorded by successive civilizations and left after the demise heritage received by the back to add to it.

The history of Egypt, which overlap the archaeological and historical novel with religious novel. Between the story of families ancient Pharaonic and came in the holy books of the stories of the prophets customers who have crossed Egypt and lived there and the relationships of these with its people Copts down to the beginning of history Arab-Muslim world, which is the inauguration actual modern Egypt when he took conqueror Amr ibn al-Aas from Cairo Fustat, the capital of the mandate.

We have codified the novel religious history of Egypt, but the direction of inspiration lessons and sermons and instilled the values ​​of standardization and the right to justice and the call to worship one God and with the start of the Arab rule Islamic began taking the history of Egypt takes the attributes of documentation and arrangement and detail frequently for narrators and recording in the first books.

Egypt has received on documented evidence sensual more than Bldakhr, Vnicoh pharaohs and hieroglyphics language that decoded Hambilion the combine with narrators books Arabs and Muslims with religious novel that came in the heavenly books and access to recordings of the narrators, travelers, explorers and Western Orientalists.

And Musrtv not bounded by space and time, the evidence and landmarks Troy civilizations and stories of the Copts and the Pharaohs and the Holy Family and the Greeks and Romans and Arabs and Muslims who have settled since about 15 century where and acknowledged its Arab Islamic roots of civilization multiple, and the effects of the hallmarks of the invaders who  and crossed and deported from the French and Angelazogerhm.

Civilized can recognize that the modern state of Egypt was founded at the beginning of the era of the great family of Muhammad Ali, who came from Albania and Ottoman rulermandate Nhawwalastqlal and laid the foundations of modern renaissance looking forward to European civilization boys and her carrier systems, methods and manifestations. This rule has continued the family that the Egyptians took the reins of their country on July 23, 1952 to begin the era of the Egyptian Republic to take over the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser the directed  the leadership towards confirm  the Islamic and Arab identity and its leading role in the Arab region until the present time.

During the rule of the family of Mohammed Ali, Egypt witnessed two  waves coming from Europe: the first is a French expedition led by Napoleon in 1798 and which left civilized effects on Egyptian society, and the second is the British occupation in 1882, which lasted even Gelaúh ​​after the July Revolution in 1952.

Ramadan in Cairo .. Another type of tourism

Besides tourism Spirit in Rehab faith that opens prospects in the holy month of Ramadan, the holy days of the month in Old Cairo special taste is rarely found before in all the capitals of the Middle ..
Times concentrated enjoy tourism Ramadan between my breakfast and sahoor watch in the areas of the field Hussein Khan el-Khalili, there in the center of Cairo can be fasting that deals with an intense dose of history and grandeur through the surrounding historic buildings. And if you want more head down to the neighborhood Sayeda Zeinab to witness and feel the celebration real for the month of Ramadan, where Zain population streets narrow Bzenat paper but exhilarating, and above the lanterns majority of balconies and free street corner or alley of vendors pickles, bread and drink licorice and all of the axioms of tables of Ramadan.

The areas that turn in this month to what might be called the Ramadan tourism area of the castle which is the focus of any visit to the Islamic Cairo tourist.

In the field of Salah al-Din, the bottom of the castle, which is not free throughout the year from hammocks and tents which receives the pioneers fairs of various tourists can Ramadan to win views Other Ramadan was popular and so  cafe adjacent to the Sultan Hassan Mosque and from there gets pioneers on the fun is priceless overlooking thescene Rifai mosque of Sultan Hassan, worshipers and children celebrating Ramadan and sellers of oriental sweets.

With a cup of tea  of your chair will allow you to follow-up giant television screens the most prominent series that mostly revolves around images of life in Egypt before the thirty or forty years or more .. If you are a fan of excellence, the Egyptian Opera House offers you a program full of songs and music of Ramadan nature presents a very interesting day performances Saturday and Monday and Wednesday of Sufi music. And ends on tourism Ramadan with the appointment sahoor which the repeated scenes of banquets Sheets and drinks Almnanah not stop until dawn with ears.